Maureen Powers

Maureen Powers

Handout - A

Handout - B

Maureen Powers is a dynamic presenter. Passion for improving the lives of families and children has been the driving force behind her success for over 30 years. Maureen Powers is recognized as a leader in building quality early education programs and educating early childhood practitioners and students. Currently, she teaches online courses at Solano Community College and Rio Salado College and is the CEO of Knowledge MPowers. Throughout her career, Maureen Powers has developed and delivered a variety of professional development workshops. She has written many online courses at the college level and published a variety of online articles. Currently she is earning her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Adult and Continuing Education. Her doctoral research includes faculty to student engagement in online courses.

Forum Presentation

Online Education Best Practices

Part A: Universal Design for Learning and Online Course Design
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that allows educators to address issues of equity and social justice through course design. When the principles of UDL are applied to online course design all learners have the opportunity to access, engage, and demonstrate competence with the content. Understanding adult learners is critical to the success of any adult education program. Recruitment, retention and graduation hinges upon student investment and continued engagement with the program.

UDL considers the unique differences between learners. Applying a UDL framework to online coursework helps educators to respond to diverse student needs. The interactive presentation will include research-based best practice techniques and examples for creating curriculum designed to accommodate the needs of all learners regardless of ability, disability, age, gender, or cultural and linguistic background.